'Amigos (en inglés)' by Alex Campos is a heartfelt ode to the enduring bond of friendship that transcends ups and downs. The song beautifully captures the essence of childhood camaraderie, where children learn important life lessons through their interactions with friends who become like brothers. Despite disagreements and moments of silence, the narrator cherishes the unbreakable bond that he shares with his friends.

The chorus resonates with a sense of forgiveness and understanding, acknowledging past mistakes and expressing a desire to always remain close and supportive. The lyrics reflect a deep appreciation for the shared experiences, both joyful and challenging, that strengthen the bond between friends. The imagery of shared laughter and shared tears underscores the depth of the connection that is built on mutual respect and love.

The song evokes a sense of nostalgia for the special moments spent with friends, highlighting the significance of gestures, gifts, and words exchanged in the past. Even in moments of solitude, the narrator recognizes the profound value of friends who feel like family and who are always there to offer support and companionship.

Overall, 'Amigos (en inglés)' is a touching reminder of the enduring power of friendship, with its message of forgiveness, loyalty, and the unbreakable bond that transcends distance and time. Whether laughing together or crying together, true friends are treasures to be cherished and never forgotten.

Letra de Amigos
Vídeo de Amigos