

All Time Low


'Weightless' by All Time Low is an anthem for anyone feeling trapped in a rut and yearning for a sense of freedom and purpose. The lyrics express a desire to break free from the constraints of life's monotony and to live with reckless abandon. The singer longs to feel weightless, to be unburdened by expectations and responsibilities, and to simply exist in the moment.

The song captures the frustration of feeling stagnant and stuck in a cycle of routine and age, while craving for a change and a fresh start. It conveys a strong sense of determination to make the most out of life, to seize the year and not let another day slip away unnoticed.

The chorus serves as a powerful declaration of intent, a promise to break free from fear and self-doubt, and to embrace the unknown with courage and excitement. The song's energetic and vibrant melody complements its empowering message, inspiring listeners to shed their inhibitions and embrace the possibilities that lie ahead.

'Weightless' is a reminder to not let fear hold us back from pursuing our dreams and living life to the fullest. It encourages us to break free from the confines of our own minds and to take control of our own destinies. Ultimately, it is a celebration of self-discovery and empowerment, urging us to stop waiting and start living in the present moment.

Letra de Weightless
Vídeo de Weightless