Vivo Por Ella

Vivo Por Ella

Andrea Bocelli


The song 'Vivo Por Ella' by Andrea Bocelli is a heartfelt ode to the passionate connection between the singer and his muse, represented by music itself. From the first moment they met, she has taken up residence in his soul, bringing joy and inspiration. The singer expresses his devotion to this muse, acknowledging that she belongs to all who are in need of her comforting presence. He describes her as a source of creativity, inviting him to touch her gently like a piano key, keeping thoughts of death at bay.

The singer acknowledges the bittersweet nature of his relationship with his muse, accepting the occasional pain and loneliness that come with living for her. Despite the sacrifices and challenges, he finds purpose and fulfillment in their connection, traveling and performing with her as his constant companion. The muse is portrayed as all-encompassing, guiding the singer through life's ups and downs, always at the center of his thoughts and actions.

Through music, the singer finds solace, freedom, and a sense of identity. He declares his unwavering dedication to his muse, vowing to live every day for her with passion and dedication. In the end, the singer admits that music is his true love, the one constant in his life that he will always live for. The song beautifully captures the deep emotional bond between an artist and his source of inspiration, celebrating the power of music to uplift and sustain the soul.

Letra de Vivo Por Ella
Vídeo de Vivo Por Ella