



Ashanti's song 'Happy' is a beautiful expression of love and gratitude. The lyrics convey the overwhelming joy and fulfillment that the singer experiences in her relationship. She describes how her partner brings her immense happiness and fills her life with love and positivity. The song conveys a sense of deep connection and appreciation for the person who has captured her heart.

The artist expresses her unwavering love and devotion, emphasizing that her partner is everything she needs. She affirms her commitment to staying by their side and cherishing the love they share. The singer expresses her happiness at having found her soulmate and how grateful she is for their presence in her life.

The emotional depth of the song is highlighted by the recurring theme of searching and finding true love. The lyrics paint a picture of a profound connection and a sense of completeness that comes from being with the one you love. It is a celebration of love and the joy that comes with finding that special someone who makes life truly fulfilling.

Overall, 'Happy' is a soulful and heartfelt ode to love, happiness, and the profound impact that a genuine connection with another person can have on one's life. It is a reminder of the beauty and joy that love can bring, and a testament to the power of finding someone who truly makes your heart happy.

Letra de Happy
Vídeo de Happy