In this captivating song from 'Atrévete a Soñar' titled 'Amándote (en inglés)', the lyrics express a deep connection and love between two individuals. The singer recounts meeting a part of their beloved in a moment of vulnerability, where they were able to see them in a new light, leading to a quick and profound closeness.

The lyrics beautifully describe how being with this person changes the singer's perspective on everything, causing them to act on pure instinct to be with and cherish their beloved. There is a sense of uncovering hidden parts of the loved one, helping them overcome their fears and insecurities to trust in love once more.

The chorus repeats the mantra of 'Amandote, Besandote, Cuidandote' (Loving you, Kissing you, Taking care of you), emphasizing the singer's commitment to showering their partner with affection and protection. The song conveys a promise of everlasting love, filling any voids with love, passion, and a pledge to remain committed until eternity.

Overall, 'Amándote (en inglés)' radiates a sense of unconditional love, trust, and mutual devotion, creating a heartfelt and uplifting message of enduring love and connection between two souls.

Letra de Amándote
Vídeo de Amándote