Celebra la vida de Axel

Celebra la vida



In the gentle melody of Axel's song 'Celebra la vida (en inglés)', the soothing message of celebrating life echoes through each verse. The lyrics beautifully convey the importance of cherishing every moment and embracing the gift of existence.

The singer reflects on the unpredictability of life, urging listeners to think freely and pursue their dreams with patience and perseverance. The poignant reminder that nothing is permanent in this world serves as a call to live fully and joyfully.

The lyrics encourage seeking guidance from one's inner star and spreading happiness without causing harm to others. In the face of deception or setbacks, the song advocates for love and resilience, emphasizing the power of starting anew and not letting go of one's dreams.

There is a passionate plea to raise one's voice against hatred and falsehood, recognizing that peace is the path to true life. The chorus reinforces the central message of celebrating life with every passing moment, savoring its beauty and possibilities.

In the final verses, the imagery of planting seeds of positivity and listening to the sweetest voices resonates with a sense of hope and renewal. Overall, 'Celebra la vida (en inglés)' is a heartfelt ode to treasuring life's blessings and navigating its challenges with grace and gratitude.

Letra de Celebra la vida
Vídeo de Celebra la vida