Give Me A Sign

Give Me A Sign

Breaking Benjamin


'Dead star shine, light up the sky,' begins the emotional journey of 'Give Me A Sign' by Breaking Benjamin. The lyrics paint a picture of feeling suffocated, with walls closing in and days passing by without direction. The plea for a sign, a beacon of hope, to guide back from the edge of despair is palpable.

The singer laments feeling disconnected and on the verge of breaking, yet holding on to the desire to be saved. The imagery of scars that will remain forever serves as a reminder of enduring pain and struggles. The raw vulnerability in the lyrics is striking as they touch on themes of loss, emptiness, and seeking salvation.

The chorus captures a sense of desperation and a longing for a lifeline to cling to amidst the darkness. The repeated cry for a sign underscores the yearning for clarity and solace in the face of overwhelming emotions. The mention of tears adding to the flood evokes a sense of drowning in sorrow and seeking relief from the relentless tide of emotions.

Ultimately, 'Give Me A Sign' is a poignant plea for reassurance, for a way out of the darkness that threatens to consume. The raw emotions laid bare in the lyrics make it a powerful and resonant expression of inner turmoil and the search for a glimmer of hope in tumultuous times.

Letra de Give Me A Sign
Vídeo de Give Me A Sign