In a world filled with love and longing, you are the shining star that guides my every thought. From the moment I awaken to the dreams that carry me through, you are the heartbeat of my existence. Your presence is like a precious gem, eternally cherished in the depths of my mind.

I am filled with an undying passion for you, a love that knows no bounds. Without you, life feels empty and devoid of meaning. You are the very essence of what I hold dear, my companion in the journey of time.

My love for you transcends all boundaries, a never-ending devotion that sustains me day by day. You are my solace, my sanctuary, the pillar of strength upon which I lean. With every breath, I offer my life to you, a testament to the depth of my affection.

By your side, I stand unwavering, a steadfast presence in the midst of uncertainty. I will remain here, steadfast and true, until the end of time. The depth of my yearning for you knows no bounds, for you are the sole purpose of my existence.

Every passing moment is a tribute to your magnificence, a reflection of the love that fills my soul. You are the light that illuminates my path, the beacon of hope that guides me through the darkness. In a world where love reigns supreme, you are the embodiment of all that is pure and true.

Letra de Eres
Vídeo de Eres