
Sería una Pena



In this emotionally charged song by Callejeros titled 'Sería una Pena (en inglés)' (It would be a shame in English), the lyrics delve into themes of regret, desire, and the yearning for connection. The song paints a vivid picture of the internal struggle between seeking superficial pleasures and longing for genuine love and connection.

The lyrics explore the conflict between indulging in temporary vices like cheap sex and recklessness, while deep down, there is a craving for something more meaningful and authentic. The singer contemplates the idea that even the most foolish or clownish individuals deserve love and warmth, highlighting the universal human need for affection and understanding.

The song also conveys a sense of longing and desperation, with the singer expressing sorrow at the thought of losing touch with someone they care about deeply. There is a profound sense of loss and missed opportunities, as well as a recognition of the destructive nature of certain actions and behaviors.

Ultimately, 'Sería una Pena (en inglés)' conveys a mix of raw emotions, regret, passion, and longing, as the singer grapples with the complexities of human relationships and the depths of their own desires. The poignant lyrics, set against a backdrop of melodic music, create a heartfelt and introspective piece that resonates with listeners on a deep emotional level.

Letra de Sería una Pena
Vídeo de Sería una Pena