Cuando nos volvamos a encontrar de Carlos Vives

Cuando nos volvamos a encontrar

Carlos Vives


In this song, the singer expresses heartfelt sentiments of longing and transformation as he eagerly anticipates reuniting with a loved one. The lyrics convey a sense of dedication and renewal, portraying the singer's efforts to improve himself in various ways in preparation for their reunion.

The singer describes taking practical steps, such as paying bills, tidying the garden, and making other positive changes like giving up junk food and smoking. These actions symbolize his commitment to self-improvement and his eagerness to create a better life for both himself and his beloved.

The lyrics also touch on themes of forgiveness and growth, with the singer acknowledging past mistakes and embracing the wisdom of his loved one's advice. There is a sense of humility and gratitude as he reflects on the ways in which he has evolved and matured in their absence.

Amidst the anticipation of their reunion, the singer expresses a deep yearning for their love and envisions a future filled with happiness and togetherness. The imagery of spring symbolizes new beginnings and hope, hinting at the promise of a fresh start and a renewed connection between the two.

Overall, the song conveys a message of hope, transformation, and love, painting a poignant picture of redemption and the power of reunion to bring joy and fulfillment. It is a heartfelt ode to the enduring bond between two souls and the enduring hope of a brighter future when they finally meet again.

Letra de Cuando nos volvamos a encontrar
Vídeo de Cuando nos volvamos a encontrar