Cartel de Santa

La pelotona

Cartel de Santa


This song by Cartel de Santa, 'La Pelotona' (The Team), beautifully captures the deep emotions of love and longing. The lyrics express a profound connection between two individuals, where one person finds solace and completeness only in the presence of the other. The speaker describes how the absence of their loved one leaves them feeling empty and lost, with sadness consuming their mind and soul.

The imagery painted in the song is vivid and evocative, as the speaker reminisces about moments shared with their partner. The gentle caress of the wind is a reminder of their touch, while the moonlight reflects the sparkle in their eyes. The lyrics convey a sense of yearning and devotion, highlighting the importance of this person in the speaker's life.

Despite the challenges of distance and separation, the speaker finds comfort in memories of their time together. Every day spent with their loved one is described as a source of joy and happiness, contrasting with the emptiness felt in their absence. The longing for the other person is palpable, with the speaker expressing a willingness to defy even death itself in order to be reunited with them.

Overall, 'La Pelotona' is a heartfelt tribute to love and companionship, conveying the depth of emotions one can experience when deeply connected to another person. It celebrates the unique bond between two individuals and the impact that love can have on our lives.

Letra de La pelotona
Vídeo de La pelotona