Yo te daré

Yo te daré



The song 'Yo te daré' by Chenoa, translated into English as 'I will give you,' conveys a heartfelt message of love and commitment. In the lyrics, the singer expresses their deep feelings for their partner and their determination to give their all in the relationship.

The song starts with the singer acknowledging that they are writing to express their love and to make things right. They affirm that their love is genuine and true. The singer promises to give their partner everything they have in order to make them feel loved and appreciated once again.

Throughout the song, the singer emphasizes the importance of trust and communication in the relationship. They acknowledge that everything may change and nothing stays the same, but they are willing to make an effort to strengthen the bond they share. The singer is determined to give their partner all the love and affection they deserve, vowing to cherish and adore them.

As the song progresses, the singer reiterates their commitment to their partner, declaring that this is their last chance and they will not let it slip away. They express their undying love and devotion, assuring their partner that they mean everything to them and will love them until the end.

In a beautiful and melodious way, 'Yo te daré' encapsulates the essence of love, dedication, and the willingness to go the extra mile to nurture a meaningful relationship. It is a heartfelt plea for understanding, forgiveness, and a renewed commitment to love and cherish one another.

Letra de Yo te daré
Vídeo de Yo te daré