No Debió Pasar de David Bustamante

No Debió Pasar

David Bustamante


In this heartfelt song by David Bustamante, the lyrics beautifully describe a passionate encounter that perhaps should never have taken place. The singer reminisces about a night where they shared deep connections and intimacy, only to wake up the next day with a sense of regret and longing for something more. Despite the fleeting nature of their encounter, the memories linger on, with the stars bearing witness to the intensity of their emotions.

As time passes, the singer still sees the other person occasionally, a reminder of the unresolved feelings between them. There's a bittersweet acknowledgment that what they had was fleeting and perhaps not meant to be, yet there remains a glimmer of hope for a deeper connection that was never fully explored.

The song captures the essence of a love that burns brightly but fades too soon, leaving behind a mix of nostalgia and acceptance. Through its poignant lyrics and emotional melody, 'No Debió Pasar' (In English) invites listeners to reflect on the complexities of love, time, and the lingering echoes of a past that cannot be fully erased.

Letra de No Debió Pasar
Vídeo de No Debió Pasar