'In 'Ran' by Future Islands, the lyrics paint a vivid picture of personal introspection and emotional turmoil. The singer describes a private realm where their deepest thoughts and desires reside, hidden from outside scrutiny. Despite finding solace in this inner world, there is a sense of emptiness that lingers, symbolized by a rabbit's foot kept in a locket with no key.

The pre-chorus expresses a profound sense of longing and dependence, emphasizing the impossibility of navigating life without a cherished companion. The chorus delves into the complexities of love and loss, exploring the overwhelming emotions that accompany falling and folding in relationships. The imagery of roads winding through love and vulnerability captures the uncertainties and vulnerabilities we face in emotional connections.

As the song progresses, the singer grapples with the intertwining of creativity and personal relationships, highlighting the profound impact of a significant other on one's identity and artistry. The repeated refrain of 'On these roads' evokes a sense of journey and discovery, encapsulating the highs and lows of love's unpredictable path.

In the outro, the themes of love's transience and the bittersweet beauty of life come to the forefront. The repetition of 'Flight of field, driving snow' conjures images of motion and change, mirroring the constant flux of emotions experienced on the tumultuous journey of love. 'Ran' ultimately weaves a poignant narrative of love, loss, and self-discovery, inviting listeners to reflect on the intricate tapestry of human emotions that shape our existence in this wailing world.'

Letra de Ran
Vídeo de Ran