Gerardo Ortiz

Aquiles Afirmo

Gerardo Ortiz


In this catchy song by Gerardo Ortiz titled 'Aquiles Afirmo (en inglés)', the artist presents a new proposal and offers some answers. He emphasizes the importance of not playing around and instead focusing on hard work. Ortiz mentions crossing borders and asserts his ownership in certain matters. He outlines rules and strategies, walking confidently but acknowledging occasional stumbles. There's a powerful and respectful energy highlighted, symbolized by the sign of the frog.

The lyrics delve into the legacy of Achilles, symbolized by a pair of earrings, and the readiness of his men. There's a clear message about loyalty and support, with a call to action and a reminder not to forget Achilles' influence. The song speaks of being armed and prepared, without room for excuses or fear in the face of challenges.

A strong sense of commitment and partnership is highlighted, with a focus on the importance of words and mutual support to move forward. Overall, the song conveys a message of determination, control, and the strength that comes from unity.

Letra de Aquiles Afirmo
Vídeo de Aquiles Afirmo