The song 'Adiós' by Gustavo Cerati beautifully narrates the emotional journey of two individuals who once shared the same sentiments but have now drifted apart. Despite the pain of separation, they acknowledge that holding onto resentment serves no purpose and that it is simply a natural response to the end of a relationship.

They find solace in sad songs, using music as a form of catharsis to navigate their emotions and rediscover their true selves. As they reflect on their past, they realize that some voids can never be filled, and it takes time to fully comprehend the depth of their feelings.

Through the process of letting go and moving forward, they come to understand that parting ways is essential for personal growth and a new beginning. The lyrics convey a message of acceptance, acknowledging that saying goodbye is a necessary step towards self-realization and evolution.

The song captures the bittersweet essence of love and loss, emphasizing that even in moments of pain and uncertainty, there is always the promise of a new dawn on the horizon.

Letra de Adiós
Vídeo de Adiós