La Excepción

La Excepción

Gustavo Cerati


In this song by Gustavo Cerati titled 'La Excepción (en inglés)', the lyrics express a desire to bring happiness to a significant other. The singer yearns to be the source of joy for their partner, describing a meeting as the purpose of their journey. The song captures a sense of lightness and liberation, symbolized by the imagery of being illuminated and extracted. There is a plea to be taken to a place where music reigns, where sounds can demolish barriers and create a space for celebration.

The lyrics delve into the complexities of love, portraying it as a powerful force that is often misunderstood or taken for granted. There is a call to break free from conventional norms and expectations, to embrace spontaneity and passion. The theme of craving satisfaction and fulfillment runs through the song, with a sense of urgency to push boundaries and defy limitations.

Ultimately, 'La Excepción (en inglés)' encourages listeners to challenge the status quo, to prioritize emotional connection over conformity. It celebrates the idea of rebelling against the mundane and choosing to endure and thrive rather than burning out quickly. The song exudes a confident defiance, urging us to embrace the exception and revel in the beauty of breaking the rules.

Letra de La Excepción
Vídeo de La Excepción