
A media luz



As the sun sets over the sea, it whispers secrets that hold a world of meaning to Ashley and Hanna. In the gentle embrace of twilight, they find themselves swept up in a flurry of emotions, yearning to express the depths of their affection for each other. With heartfelt sincerity, they share their desire to be intertwined in each other's lives, to be a significant presence in their hearts.

In the soft glow of half-light, Ashley and Hanna are consumed by the intensity of their love. Their voices merge in harmonious union, echoing the unspoken vows of devotion that bind them together. With unwavering determination and resolve, they confess their longing to be united as one, to share their dreams and aspirations under the watchful gaze of the setting sun.

As the music fades into the tranquil evening, the essence of their bond lingers in the air, a testament to the power of love that transcends time and distance. In the cocoon of half-light, Ashley and Hanna find solace in each other's presence, a beacon of hope that guides them through the darkness. And as the sun sets over the sea, they are reminded that love shines brightest in the tender embrace of twilight.

Letra de A media luz
Vídeo de A media luz