7 Vírgenes de Haze

7 Vírgenes



The song '7 Virgins' by Haze tells a vivid and intense story filled with raw emotions and gritty urban imagery. The lyrics paint a picture of a turbulent neighborhood where characters navigate through life's challenges and temptations with a mix of defiance and vulnerability.

The protagonist finds themselves on the streets, caught in a world of adrenaline and rebellion. They imagine setting the reformatory on fire, symbolizing a desire to break free from societal constraints. With a sense of camaraderie and rebellion, they plan to cause mischief and chaos, seeking thrills and momentary escape from reality.

As the story unfolds, themes of betrayal, love, and solitude emerge. The protagonist grapples with conflicting emotions, navigating relationships and self-discovery in a world filled with uncertainties. The lyrics capture the essence of teenage love, with its intensity and naivety, set against the backdrop of a tumultuous environment.

The song's narrative escalates as tensions rise, leading to a chaotic and adrenaline-fueled climax. The characters face off against authority figures and societal norms, embracing rebellion and defiance in a bid for freedom and self-expression.

In the end, '7 Virgins' conveys a sense of urgency and defiance, exploring themes of rebellion, camaraderie, and the search for meaning in a world filled with challenges and constraints. The lyrics, filled with vivid imagery and raw emotions, invite listeners to immerse themselves in a story of struggle, passion, and the complexities of human nature.

Letra de 7 Vírgenes
Vídeo de 7 Vírgenes