La Sirena Varada

La Sirena Varada

Héroes del Silencio


In the haunting and poetic lyrics of 'La Sirena Varada (en inglés)' by Héroes del Silencio, we are transported into a world filled with deep emotions and vivid imagery. The song speaks of being entangled among algae, feeling lost and trapped in the currents of fate. The theme of struggling against the tide of life's challenges is a central focus, as the narrator contemplates bleeding gums, views of criminals, and the uncertainty of their own identity.

The imagery of a siren stranded by reality captures the sense of longing and displacement that runs through the song. Hallucinations and disappointments fill the narrator's mind, as they search for solace and understanding in a world that seems cold and unforgiving. The mention of companionship and the fear of crossing borders adds layers of complexity to the emotional journey described in the lyrics.

Ultimately, the song urges the listener to find solace in dreams, to close their eyes and embrace the vast darkness that surrounds them. It speaks of the struggle to navigate uncertainty and the relentless pursuit of forgiveness and redemption. Through beautiful metaphor and evocative language, 'La Sirena Varada (en inglés)' invites us to explore the depths of our own emotions and experiences, and to seek peace and understanding amidst the chaos of life.

Letra de La Sirena Varada
Vídeo de La Sirena Varada