Canciones del disco 'Drop It 'til It Pops'
- Shipwreck
- Clockwork Toy
- 3:55am, I Think We Should Go Home
- Yes/No/Goodbye!
- Names and Names and Names
- Sometimesitsbetternottostickbitsofeachotherineachotherforeachother
- Snitches Get Stitches
- Who Am I? (What's My Name?)
- Welcome to the Hop
- Bonded by Blood (A Song for Two Brothers)
- Hello, I Wrote a Song for You Called "Welcome to the Jungle"
- Your Face Looks All Wrong
- Everyeveryeverything
- Hello Comrade! (I Quit My Job)
- Balance and Symmetry
- I Swung For Judas
- Six Months of Slumplife