
Estás que te pelas



This song by Intocable titled 'Estás que te pelas' (You're about to burst) in English is a heartfelt expression of longing and desire. The lyrics convey the singer's feelings of frustration and hope as he yearns to steal a kiss from the object of his affection. Despite feeling discouraged at times, he remains determined to win her over.

The singer describes how the person he loves seems to have fallen from the sky, radiating beauty and charm. He believes that sooner or later, she will confess her love for him. The lyrics speak of intense emotions and the certainty that their love will be realized.

The song captures the excitement and nervousness that come with being in love, highlighting the anticipation of a moment of closeness and intimacy. The singer is captivated by the other person's every movement and is willing to wait for their love to blossom.

Overall, 'Estás que te pelas' is a beautifully written song that conveys the vulnerability and passion that come with falling in love. The lyrics evoke a sense of longing, determination, and hope, making it a relatable and emotive piece for anyone who has experienced the complexities of love.

Letra de Estás que te pelas
Vídeo de Estás que te pelas

Ranking de Intocable

  • Intocable está en la posición 124 del ranking de esta semana, su mejor puesto ha sido el 30º en agosto de 2022.

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