Coyotes de Jason Mraz


Jason Mraz


'Sipping coffee at a quarter to two, my mind wanders to you, the one woman who keeps me captivated. I should tell her she's like no other, but when I see her, words rush out uncontrollably. We talk deeply, lost in our crush. The coyotes sing in the park as city lights fade, drawing us closer. Every moment brings us nearer.

I keep coming back for more, drawn to you. We belong together, rocking on without pause. Lock your doors, for we're coming for you, driven by a fiery passion.

I wish the world mirrored your liveliness, guiding me through every challenge. I yearn for another chance to connect with you telepathically. I want to spend endless nights by your side, playing in the park until dawn breaks. Let me see you in the flesh, saying hello.

As the coyotes venture to New York, the city lights crumble into the sea. Every movement brings us closer, the coyotes sing of a yearning for love.

I will always come for you. We should be together, never stopping our journey. Today, tomorrow, and always. Let our love story unfold, unstoppable and eternal.'

Letra de Coyotes
Vídeo de Coyotes