No pasa nada de Katamaran

No pasa nada



In the song 'No pasa nada (en inglés)' by Katamaran, the lyrics talk about the difficulty of forgetting and moving on from past memories and emotions. The singer expresses the lingering thoughts and feelings towards someone, highlighting the challenges of trying to let go. Despite the passage of time, the connection remains strong, with the singer still unable to control their emotions. The chorus emphasizes the idea that nothing has changed and the face of the person in question will never be forgotten. The verses touch on the longing and contemplation that occur during the night, with the constant presence of the other person in the singer's thoughts until dawn. The repetition of the phrase 'kisses are like yesterday' reinforces the idea of nostalgia and the longing for the past. Overall, the song captures the emotional complexity of holding onto a past relationship and the struggle to move forward.

Letra de No pasa nada
Vídeo de No pasa nada

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