



The song 'Disfraz' by Kudai, translated to English, delves into the theme of feeling misunderstood and wanting to escape from societal expectations and judgments. The lyrics express a deep desire to break free from the facade that one puts on to fit in, to hide one's true self, and to avoid blame and criticism.

The singer longs to leave behind the constraints of conformity, to escape without looking back, and to find a place where they can be truly themselves without fear or shame. There is a palpable yearning for freedom, for the courage to be authentic, and for the strength to confront their inner struggles without the need for disguise.

The repeated desire to escape and not return signifies a longing for a fresh start, a new beginning where they can shed the weight of societal expectations and be liberated from the burden of hiding behind a mask. The lyrics convey a sense of determination to find inner peace, to confront the past, and to embrace vulnerability without reservation.

Overall, 'Disfraz' speaks to the universal theme of self-acceptance, resilience, and the journey towards inner truth. It is a poignant reflection on the complexities of identity, the pressures of conformity, and the deep-seated desire to break free from the shackles of societal judgment.

Letra de Disfraz
Vídeo de Disfraz