



A thousand stars shine brightly in the night sky, bringing back memories that never fade away. The stories of the past are etched in our hearts, but today, you are here by my side. I reach out my hand to you, ready to embark on this journey of love together.

I yearn for a love that knows no end, a love that allows us to soar without any boundaries. I want to believe that time does not erase the moments we share, and that somewhere out there, we will always be able to revisit our precious memories.

Your kisses are like a dream that illuminates the morning sky, your lips glowing with an ethereal light. As time stands still, we embrace each other, knowing that there are countless dreams waiting to be fulfilled. Today you are here with me, and together we will find that special place where our past and future intertwine in a beautiful dance of love.

Letra de Siempre
Vídeo de Siempre

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