Kylie Minogue


Kylie Minogue


Seductively mesmerized by every word that escapes your lips, my mind becomes entangled in a web of emotions, but oh, how I relish in this delightful confusion. You tantalize me with an allure too irresistible to resist, igniting a flame within me that refuses to be extinguished. Each touch, each gesture from you is like a spark that sets my whole being ablaze, filling me with a rush of pleasure and pain that electrifies me to my core.

I find myself yearning for more, craving that something special you possess that sets my senses on fire like never before. The intensity of my feelings is almost overwhelming, as if my body itself is unable to contain the raw passion bubbling within. With each passing moment, you effortlessly flick that switch within me, sending me into a state of heightened sensitivity that only you can awaken.

Tonight, as I stand before you, I am alive in a way I have never been before, every fiber of my being vibrating with a newfound energy that I owe to you. You hold the power to make me feel truly alive, to make me feel a connection that transcends the ordinary. And as I surrender to this intoxicating sensation, I can't help but acknowledge the undeniable truth: I come alive in your presence, ignited by the mere touch of your hand, the sound of your voice.

So, I dance in the flames of this newfound passion, my heart beating in rhythm with the melody of our shared desire. I am sensitized, awakened, and utterly captivated by the depth of feeling you've stirred within me. And in this moment, as we stand on the precipice of something undeniably special, I can't help but acknowledge the profound effect you have on me. I come alive, ignited by your touch, consumed by the fire of this electric connection that binds us together.

Letra de Sensitized
Vídeo de Sensitized