Enrique Lara

Biografía de Enrique Lara

Enrique Lara, born on April 15, 2000 in Guanajuato, Mexico,and move to the United States at the age of 8 and getting stile of the American music and Latin music that came in the radio,at the age of 9 he wanted to become a singer and sing for the people. When he was 12 he wrote his first rap song in English song friend and family made fun of him and so he stop.Later at the age of 14 he got inspire by the Mexican artis call "Mc Davo" he said if he started at the age of 16 I could start right now practising and at the of 16 he produce the song"Por El Barrio" and he like it at first and say to himself this was a failer he did not like it,now but he says "The remix is going to sound better" but then try again now he didn't give up and over time he has getting better on making rhymes and writing his songs from Trap,Reggeton and Rap. He still have plans for the future.

Enrique Lara is an artist that does many types of music from Rap, Trap, Reggaeton,Pop. He is getting started in his carrier. Enrique is making an album that is call "Amor Y Dolor" A mixture of Romantic Rap,Pop, Reggaeton and Trap. singles coming up from different styles. From his song "Para Gozar" is one of his favorite songs he have made with artist call "Jiimzey" and has collaborated with an artist call "Pavo Lara" with two songs "Tu Corazon Es Mio" and "My Life Of Love".His favorite singles of him are"Me Gustas" "Lo Que Haces" "Tu Intimidad" "Tu Bebe". Himself is a producer and witer and also singer. He has no professional equipment to make his music no professional studio. He call the little studio in his house Burn Records but he is open for anything any opportunity that come in his way. He is willing to do to the impossible to record a song and release a song.Enrique always says music is life, and if you have a dream never give up."

Fuente: Enrylar a través de Musica.com

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