Cal y arena de Merche

Cal y arena



This song by Merche, titled 'Cal y arena (en inglés),' beautifully captures the complexity of love and its ups and downs. The lyrics convey a sense of confusion and longing, with the singer expressing uncertainty about the feelings of their partner. The metaphor of 'lime and sand' is used to represent the conflicting emotions and challenges in the relationship.

The singer grapples with mixed signals and unanswered questions, unsure of where they stand with their partner. They seek clarity and honesty, yearning for a deeper connection and understanding. The repeated refrain emphasizes the struggle to find resolution and peace within the relationship.

Through heartfelt vocals and emotional lyrics, Merche delves into the intricate dance of love, highlighting the frustrations and joys that come with it. The song evokes a sense of vulnerability and raw emotion, inviting listeners to reflect on their own experiences with love and relationships. Overall, 'Cal y arena (en inglés)' is a poignant exploration of the complexities of love and the human heart.

Letra de Cal y arena
Vídeo de Cal y arena