Everybody talks

Everybody talks

Neon Trees


Hey baby, with your captivating gaze and alluring presence, could you spare a moment for me? I feel drawn to you like a new addiction, craving for your attention. Yet all I seem to receive from you are mere fabrications, leaving me feeling like a fool falling for it once again. It seems like this scenario of deceit is a common occurrence for me.

When it all began with a subtle whisper, leading to an unexpected kiss that left my lips tingling, the rumors and gossip started swirling around. Take me to your secret hideaway, where the truth can be revealed, but it seems that misinterpretations always rear their head when everyone starts chatting away.

Hey honey, you have the potential to be my escape, my remedy in this chaotic world. Yet, too much of you could easily become overwhelming, and the negative talk surrounding us only fuels my unease. Oh, how the incessant chatter of everyone around us fills the air, drowning out our intimate moments.

I never imagined that I would find myself in a situation where the idle words of others would obstruct our connection.

Hey sugar, show me your genuine love and affection, as all I feel from you currently is a sense of discord. What are your true intentions?

As the cycle repeats with each hushed beginning and shared kiss, the noise of gossip and speculation grows louder. Despite our attempts to find solace in each other, the interference of others always creeps in, causing disruptions and misunderstandings.

The cacophony of voices surrounding us continues to echo, drowning out our attempts to communicate and connect authentically.

In the end, it all comes back to that initial whisper, that fateful kiss that set everything in motion.

Everybody talks, everybody weighs in with their opinions and judgments, but in the end, it's up to us to find our own truth amidst the noise.

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