La Dosis Perfecta de Panteon Rococo

La Dosis Perfecta

Panteon Rococo


In the heartfelt lyrics of 'La Dosis Perfecta (en inglés)' by Panteon Rococo, the artist poetically expresses feelings of longing and nostalgia for a past love who is now leaving. The song speaks of the deep connection shared between two people, reminiscing about nights spent wrapped in each other's arms under the starry sky. There is a sense of yearning for the unique light and warmth the other person brought into their life, like a star illuminating the darkness.

The singer pleads for their love to stay, emphasizing the physical and emotional bond they share. They acknowledge the intoxicating effect of their partner's presence on their body and soul, recognizing them as the perfect dose of joy and comfort. As the realization of the impending departure sinks in, there is a poignant plea for reassurance that the pain of separation will be eased by the memory of their love.

The repetition of the chorus underscores the depth of emotion and the desperate plea for their partner to remain by their side. Overall, the song conveys a mix of vulnerability, desire, and a profound sense of loss, painting a vivid picture of a love that lingers even after one has gone.

Letra de La Dosis Perfecta
Vídeo de La Dosis Perfecta