Algo de Ti de Paulina Rubio

Algo de Ti

Paulina Rubio


In 'Algo de Ti (Something about you)', Paulina Rubio sings of the intense emotional turmoil and deep connection she feels towards someone who has a profound impact on her life. The lyrics convey a sense of vulnerability and longing as she grapples with the complexities of love and loss.

The singer describes how she tries to distance herself from this person, yet finds it impossible to let go completely. Despite the pain they may have caused her, she still feels a deep sense of love and attachment that transcends rationality. Each moment without this person feels like an eternity, and every place she goes seems empty without their presence.

The lyrics are filled with raw emotion and a deep yearning for reconciliation, as she struggles to come to terms with the intense emotions and desires stirred up by this relationship. The recurring theme of feeling lost without this person reinforces the idea that they are an integral part of her being, and that life without them feels meaningless and punishing.

Overall, 'Algo de Ti (Something about you)' captures the bittersweet essence of love and heartbreak, highlighting the profound impact that certain individuals can have on our lives, even long after they are gone. Through poetic and haunting lyrics, Paulina Rubio conveys the universal experience of love, loss, and the enduring power of emotional connections.

Letra de Algo de Ti
Vídeo de Algo de Ti