Ni rosas ni juguetes de Paulina Rubio

Ni rosas ni juguetes

Paulina Rubio


In this catchy song by Paulina Rubio, titled 'Ni rosas ni juguetes' (No roses or toys), the singer asserts her independence and self-worth in a confident and empowered manner. She dismisses superficial gestures and empty promises, making it clear that she values genuine connection and respect above material gifts or grand gestures.

Paulina expresses her power and agency, declaring that she doesn't need to be wooed with traditional romantic gestures like serenades or gifts. She asserts her strength and individuality, emphasizing that she is not swayed by empty words or token gestures of affection.

The lyrics convey a sense of liberation and self-assurance as Paulina sends a clear message to a former lover: she is no longer interested in being charmed or manipulated. Instead, she demands authenticity and mutual respect in any relationship.

Overall, 'Ni rosas ni juguetes' is a bold and assertive anthem of self-love and empowerment, reminding listeners of their inherent worth and the importance of standing up for themselves in matters of the heart.

Letra de Ni rosas ni juguetes
Vídeo de Ni rosas ni juguetes