


This song 'Fuera' by RBD is a passionate and heartfelt plea for someone to leave a relationship that has turned toxic. The lyrics express the pain and frustration of feeling suffocated and hurt by the other person's actions. The singer emphasizes their desire to break free from the past and move on to a healthier future without the burden of the toxic relationship.

The plea to 'get out' is repeated throughout the song, conveying a strong sense of determination to end the pain and negativity caused by the other person. The singer acknowledges that they once cared deeply for the other person, but the hurt and disrespect they received have led them to the decision that it's time to let go and move on.

The chorus echoes the sentiment of wanting the other person to leave and not be a part of their life anymore. It conveys a mix of emotions, including anger, sadness, and a firm resolve to prioritize their own well-being and find happiness without the toxicity of the past relationship.

Overall, 'Fuera' is a powerful anthem of self-empowerment, self-respect, and the courage to break free from a harmful relationship in pursuit of peace, health, and the hope of finding someone who truly appreciates and values them.

Letra de Fuera
Vídeo de Fuera