Tras De Mi



In this compelling song by RBD entitled 'Tras de Mi (en inglés)', the singer expresses a deep yearning for freedom and new beginnings. With a ticket in hand and a heart full of dreams, they courageously bid farewell to the past, ready to embark on a journey towards self-discovery.

The lyrics vividly paint a picture of leaving behind familiar places and faces, symbolized by memories of childhood, friends, and first loves. There is a sense of bittersweet nostalgia as they prepare to step into the unknown, leaving behind pieces of their past life like a trail of breadcrumbs.

Despite the mix of emotions - fear, excitement, longing - there is a strong resolve to embrace the future with open arms. The metaphorical act of spreading wings to fly alone signifies a desire for independence and a search for personal freedom, far away from the constraints of the past.

As the chorus repeats, highlighting the significance of childhood, school days, and treasured memories, the singer acknowledges the importance of these experiences while acknowledging the need to move forward. It's a poignant reflection on the passage of time and the inevitable changes that come with growth and self-discovery.

Overall, 'Tras de Mi (en inglés)' is a heartfelt anthem of courage, resilience, and the pursuit of one's dreams, resonating with anyone who has ever felt the tug of the unknown calling them towards a new chapter in life.

Letra de Tras De Mi
Vídeo de Tras De Mi