Quédate a mi lado de Safree

Quédate a mi lado



This song by Safree, titled 'Stay by My Side (in English),' beautifully expresses the feeling of longing and longing to have a special someone close. The lyrics convey a sense of reflection and growth, acknowledging imperfections but also a strong desire to improve. The singer admits to past mistakes but is determined to make things right and change for the better to have that person back in their life. There is a raw vulnerability in the lyrics as the singer expresses a deep yearning for the other person, emphasizing the intense emotional connection they share.

The chorus of the song, with its repetitive plea to 'come back to me,' echoes the longing and desperation the singer feels. There is a sense of urgency in the lyrics, a need to reconcile and make amends. The imagery of needing the other person like air to breathe and feeling incomplete without them adds a poignant layer to the song.

Overall, 'Stay by My Side' captures the complexities of relationships, the struggles of self-improvement, and the deep yearning for emotional connection. Through its heartfelt lyrics and emotional depth, the song conveys a message of love, longing, and a desire for reconciliation.

Letra de Quédate a mi lado
Vídeo de Quédate a mi lado