'Life imitates the game of chess, where you can either be the rook or the pawn, but with the right strategy, you can become the King or, in this case, the Don. To succeed, you must be vigilant and watch your back at all times.

Let's rev up the Lincoln and indulge in some caffeine at Nicolletis, known for its delicious spaghetti sauce. A connoisseur of the finer things, I appreciate any movie featuring Al Pacino. I demand respect and prefer to be called Padrino.

Those who betray secrets may find themselves in trouble, but loyalty is rewarded with kisses on the cheek. Crime may not pay the bills, so one must be cunning to avoid getting caught.

Despite the risks, writing humorous songs about the mob can be entertaining. The mob is not just a criminal organization but a sophisticated club where gentlemen plan events that lay beyond my understanding.

Always stay out of trouble, avoid the spotlight, and keep quiet like Sinatra. Understand that the underworld is treacherous, and disrespect will bring consequences when you least expect them.

Befriend the shadows and be cautious about whom you trust. In the end, being infamous may just save your life. Choose your confidants wisely and navigate the murky waters of the underworld with care.'

Letra de Padrino
Vídeo de Padrino