Rasguña Las Piedras de Sui Generis

Rasguña Las Piedras

Sui Generis


The song 'Rasguña Las Piedras' by Sui Generis (translated to English) delves into the theme of breaking down emotional barriers and seeking genuine connection. The lyrics paint a vivid picture of a person yearning to break free from the walls they have built around themselves and reach out to their loved one.

The narrator pleads for the other person to still be breathing behind the walls they have raised, symbolizing a sense of distance and separation. There is a sense of vulnerability and longing as they express hope for a loving embrace to transcend the barriers between them.

The image of scratched rocks and stone represents the effort and pain of breaking through these emotional barriers. The repetition of this motif underscores the persistence and determination required to reach a deeper, more authentic connection.

As the song progresses, there is a shift towards acceptance and vulnerability. The narrator acknowledges their own fatigue and eagerness to communicate their feelings honestly. The mention of seeing the other person's eyes filled with tears conveys a raw emotional intensity and a willingness to love with all one's being.

The final lines highlight the willingness to endure pain and bleed in order to embrace and connect with their loved one. There is a sense of liberation and growth in the face of challenges, encapsulated in the repeated refrain of scratched rocks and stones, reflecting the resilience and strength needed to overcome obstacles in the journey towards genuine intimacy.

Letra de Rasguña Las Piedras
Vídeo de Rasguña Las Piedras