'The nicest man I ever met turned out to be more cunning than discontent. He taught me the art of patience, waiting to strike when no one was looking. Like a slippery snake, he slithered away, leaving a trail of deceit in his wake.

Despite looking up to him, I found myself constantly letting him down. But now, nothing can hold me back. As his ego crumbled in his thirties, his true self, capital M-E, was revealed. Despite my efforts to self-reflect, I couldn't fully understand the depths of his manipulative nature.

In the end, I broke free from his influence, realizing that his promises were too good to be true. As I move forward, nothing can stand in my way. The questions linger - was it all worth it? Was it too much, too soon? But one thing is certain - I won't be held back by the shadows of the past. I'll keep moving forward, no matter what.'

Letra de Capital M-E
Vídeo de Capital M-E