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Hooked On A Feeling

Blue Swede

'Hooked On A Feeling' se estrenó el . Este canción está incluida en el disco 'Hooked on a Feeling '

Esta canción de 'Blue Swede' llamada 'Hooked On A Feeling' transmite la intensidad de los sentimientos que despierta el amor en la persona que la canta. Describe cómo, a pesar del profundo afecto que siente, la persona amada quizás no es consciente del impacto que tiene en su vida... seguir leyendo

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Hooked On A Feeling Traducida

Hooked On A Feeling

I can't stop this feelin'
Deep inside of me
Girl you just don't realize
What you do to me

When you hold me
In your arms so tight
You let me know
Everything's alright

I'm hooked on a feeling
I'm high on believin'
That you're in love with me

Lips as sweet as candy
Its taste is on my mind
Girl you got me thirsty
For another, cup of wine

Got a bug from you girl
But I don't need no cure
I just stay affectin'
If I can't be sure

All the good love, when we're all alone
Keep it up girl, yeah you turn me on

I'm hooked on a feeling
I'm high on believin'
That you're in love with me

All the good love
When we're all alone
Keep it up girl
Yeah you turn me on

I'm hooked on a feeling
I'm high on believin'
That you're in love with me

I'm hooked on a feeling
And I'm high on believin'
That you're in love with me

I said I'm hooked on a feeling
And I'm high on believin'
That you're in love with me
Hooked on a feelin'

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