Can't We be Friends

Can't We be Friends

Frank Sinatra

'Can't We be Friends' se estrenó el . Este canción está incluida en el disco 'In the Wee Small Hours'

La canción 'Can't We be Friends' de Frank Sinatra narra la historia de un hombre que pensaba haber encontrado a la chica de sus sueños, solo para ser rechazado al final... seguir leyendo

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Can't We be Friends

I took each word she said as
gospel truth the way a silly
little child would.
I can't excuse it on the grounds of youth,
I was no babe in the wild, wild wood.
She didn't mean it,
I should have seen it,
but now it's too late.

I thought I'd found the girl of my dreams,
now it seems,
this is how the story ends:
She's gonna turn me down and say,
"Can't we be friends?"
I thought for once it couldn't go wrong,
not for long,
I can see the way this ends:
She's gonna turn me down and say,
"Can't we be friends?"
Why should I care though she gave me the air,
Why should I cry,
heave a sigh,
and wonder why,
and wonder why?
I thought I found the gal I could trust,
watta bust, this is how the story ends:
She's gonna turn me down and say,
"Can't we be just friends?"

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Disco 'In the Wee Small Hours'

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* Letra añadida por shemkasai

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