Paula de Zoé




This heartfelt song by Zoé titled 'Paula (in English)' captures the raw emotions of regret, longing, and love. The lyrics express a deep sense of remorse for past mistakes and a yearning to reconnect with a lost love named Paula. The singer acknowledges his faults and the pain he caused by lying, failing, and betraying Paula. Despite the distance that now separates them, he cannot deny the bond that links them as spiritual twins.

The chorus, with its repeated plea to Paula not to forget and to remain eternally in his soul, reflects the singer's desperation to hold onto their connection. He reminisces about Paula's look, her sweet smile, and the warmth of her presence, expressing a profound sense of loss and a desire to rekindle what once was.

As the song progresses, the singer grapples with the realization that he may have lost Paula due to his own missteps, but his love for her remains unwavering. The repetition of questions about Paula's whereabouts underscores his longing to find her, to reconnect, and to make amends for the past.

Through the haunting melodies and poignant lyrics, 'Paula (in English)' evokes a sense of yearning and introspection, inviting listeners to reflect on the complexities of love, regret, and the enduring power of emotional connections.

Letra de Paula
Vídeo de Paula