Abel Pintos

Bella Flor

Abel Pintos


In the beautiful garden of emotions, there blooms a radiant flower, a symbol of serenity and tranquility. This flower, with its vibrant colors, embodies the essence of painless souls, inviting us to immerse ourselves in its beauty and grace.

As the singer serenades this exquisite flower, expressing his deepest emotions and offering a piece of his heart to it, a sense of connection and longing fills the air. The desire to be intertwined with this flower's essence becomes a compelling force, drawing him closer to its heart.

The singer dreams of embarking on a journey across the vast sea, guided by the light of the shining moon and the gentle caress of the sand and sea. In this dreamlike setting, under a canopy of stars, he envisions a realm where fantasies come alive and reality fades into the background.

Amidst the enchanting night, filled with the music of raindrops and the dance of souls, the singer and the flower find themselves lost in a mesmerizing moment of pure bliss. Their spirits soar high, carried away by the euphoria of the moment, transcending earthly boundaries and limitations.

In this magical dance of emotions, under the watchful gaze of the moon and the nurturing touch of the rain, the singer cherishes the feeling of weightlessness, as if he were soaring through the sky, unbound by earthly constraints.

The chorus echoes the singer's yearning to be united with the beautiful flower, to become one with its essence, and to experience the depth of a love that transcends words. And as the song reaches its crescendo, the image of the singer and the flower, lost in a timeless embrace, lingers in the air, a testament to the enduring power of love and connection.

In the end, as the rain continues to fall and the souls dance in harmony, the singer revels in the sensation of freedom and euphoria, knowing that in this moment, he is truly alive and flying high on the wings of love.

Letra de Bella Flor
Vídeo de Bella Flor