Anda y ve

Anda y ve



The song 'Anda y ve (en inglés)' by Akwid tells a heartfelt story of love, doubt, and emotional turmoil. The lyrics speak of letting go of the past, feeling joy, dealing with jealousy, and navigating through emotions and fantasies. The singer expresses feelings of confusion, longing, and uncertainty about a relationship. There is a sense of yearning for what once was, mixed with a realization that things may not be as they seem. The chorus highlights the internal struggles and questions that the singer is grappling with, unsure of the love and intentions of the other person. Throughout the song, there is a raw honesty and vulnerability in the emotions expressed, capturing the complexities of love and heartache. Ultimately, it conveys a mix of longing, doubt, and the bittersweet nature of love and relationships.

Letra de Anda y ve
Vídeo de Anda y ve