Alejandro Fernández

No se me hace fácil

Alejandro Fernández


The song 'No se me hace fácil' by Alejandro Fernández conveys emotions of longing and difficulty in letting go. The lyrics express a sense of yearning for a lost love, the struggle to forget, and the desire to be reunited, even if only in dreams. The melancholic tone of the song reflects on the challenges of moving on from a past relationship and the lingering memories that continue to haunt the heart. Despite the pain and the realization that things may never be the same, the singer still finds it hard to release the hold that love has on their heart. The melody whispers gently to the soul, evoking bittersweet reminiscences and a yearning for a connection that may no longer exist. The lyrics capture the complexities of love and the difficulty of letting go, painting a poignant picture of a heart torn between the past and the present.

Letra de No se me hace fácil
Vídeo de No se me hace fácil