Alejandro Fernández

Yo Nací Para Amarte

Alejandro Fernández


In this heartfelt song by Alejandro Fernández titled 'Yo Nací Para Amarte (I Was Born To Love You)' translated into English, the lyrics convey a powerful message about unconditional love and unwavering devotion. Despite the challenges and pain that may come, the singer professes a love that is steadfast and all-encompassing.

The singer expresses that external factors such as betrayal, lies, or mistakes do not diminish the depth of his love. He has already forgiven any transgressions, as his heart long ago chose to love only one person, regardless of past wrongs. The past and external circumstances hold no sway over the unbreakable bond he feels towards his beloved.

The lyrics speak of a love that surpasses all obstacles, a love that is destined and unyielding. The singer declares that he was born to love this person endlessly, beyond rationality or reason. He believes that their love is preordained, and no matter the hardships they may face, their connection will endure.

The song beautifully captures the essence of enduring love, highlighting the willingness to wait, to forgive, and to persist in loving someone wholeheartedly. It conveys a sense of hope and faith in the power of love to overcome challenges and withstand the test of time. Ultimately, it is a poetic declaration of profound, everlasting love that transcends all boundaries and defies logic.

Letra de Yo Nací Para Amarte
Vídeo de Yo Nací Para Amarte