Alex Ubago

Cuanto Antes

Alex Ubago


The song 'Cuanto Antes' by Alex Ubago, translated into English, captures a sense of longing and regret. The lyrics convey a heartfelt message of wanting to make amends and not letting opportunities slip away. The singer reflects on moments shared with someone special, lamenting the cold feeling of being alone. Each word and image in the song paints a vivid picture of missed chances and yearning for reconciliation. The dreamy quality of the lyrics suggests a hope for a reunion, with a desire to fix what has been broken as soon as possible. The repetition of wanting to make things right underscores the importance of not leaving things unsaid or undone. Overall, the song conveys a strong emotional depth and a plea for forgiveness and understanding.

Letra de Cuanto Antes
Vídeo de Cuanto Antes