Alex Ubago

Mil Horas

Alex Ubago


In 'Mil Horas (en inglés)' by Alex Ubago, the singer expresses a sense of loneliness and longing while being far from home. Sitting on a rock, he contemplates the nature of war and the coldness of his surroundings. The lyrics convey a feeling of being disconnected and detached, as if waiting endlessly for something that may never come.

The imagery of snow and rain adds to the melancholy tone of the song, highlighting the singer's emotional state of being isolated and forgotten. The mention of a rocket in his pants symbolizes a feeling of restlessness and unease, as if he is carrying a burden that he cannot shake off.

The lyrics also touch upon themes of unrequited love and unfulfilled expectations, as the singer waits in vain for someone who may never return. Despite feeling crazy and abandoned, he continues to yearn for a connection that seems out of reach.

Overall, 'Mil Horas (en inglés)' conveys a sense of desolation and longing, painting a poignant picture of someone searching for warmth and companionship in a cold and unforgiving world.

Letra de Mil Horas
Vídeo de Mil Horas