Ya no te amo de Allison

Ya no te amo



The song 'Ya no te amo' (en inglés) by Allison talks about the journey of heartbreak and healing. The singer reflects on a past love, reminiscing about the pain of not being able to find someone who matched their feelings.

As time passes, the singer realizes that they have changed and grown from the devastation of the past. The lyrics convey a sense of nostalgia for what once was, but also a recognition that they have moved on and no longer hold the same love for that person.

Through the emotional journey, the singer acknowledges the past hurt and the process of healing. The lyrics express a longing for the person who is no longer there, but also a sense of acceptance that they are not the same person they were before.

Overall, the song captures the bittersweet emotions of lost love and personal growth, beautifully illustrating the complexities of moving on from a past relationship.

Letra de Ya no te amo
Vídeo de Ya no te amo