A llorar a otra parte de Américo

A llorar a otra parte



The song 'A llorar a otra parte (en inglés)' by Américo tells a story of heartbreak and revenge. The singer expresses their deep pain and anger as their loved one leaves them, destroying their life in the process. Despite still loving the person, the singer cannot forgive them for the hurt they've caused.

The lyrics convey a sense of betrayal and a desire for revenge. The singer vows to make the person regret leaving, promising to mock them when they come crawling back and beg for forgiveness. The tone is both emotional and defiant, with the singer declaring themselves as the other person's worst enemy.

Ultimately, the lyrics emphasize the singer's determination to move on and find joy in seeing the person who hurt them suffer. The song captures the raw emotions of heartbreak and the resilience to stand up for oneself in the face of betrayal.

Letra de A llorar a otra parte
Vídeo de A llorar a otra parte